With our professional non-linear editing skills, your video marketing content is catalogued, cut, assembled, colored, animated, audio sweetened, and finished in stunning 4K HDR output. This where the union of our Consulting & Pre-Production services , Technology and Video Production services all lead to a tangible result.
We are unlike a lot of our competitors in a whole host of areas, but most notably in the area of color. Our competitors traditionally let their images be driven by in camera color profiles resulting in a "cheap video look". At Capion we pride ourselves on coloring each image in "RAW" or "Log" by hand to forge your own unique look that coincides with your established brand. Quite simply, we leverage the entire latitude of our image to create smooth, pleasing, and cinematic video products.
Our Services Include:
Non-Linear Editing
Custom Color Grading
HDR Image Pipeline
4K Real Time Editing & Output
Motion Graphics
Audio Mixing & Sweetening