“If a picture says a thousand words, what does video say? Everything.” This has been our unofficial motto for over a decade when it comes to the direct question of “why video?”. Quite simply, video is the culmination of the senses. Sights, sounds, and motion all combine into a formulaic recipe of concise, and pointed story telling, with direct calls to action. Whether your marketing needs are narrow & technical in scope, or broad sweeping & emotional, utilizing video as a proponent to your campaigning is crucial to illustrate your product, service, or brand. Traditional formats such as print, radio, podcasting, still imagery, and paid digital trafficking all fall short in some respect, or another in comparison to a well crafted video tool.
A properly balanced video can engage an audience, retain their attention, present a problem, and offer a solution. This can all be accomplished with the culmination of senses, to ultimately drive your audience to your respective funnel, and convert. So “Why Video?”; it outperforms any other form of digital marketing dollar for dollar, potentially increasing your conversion rates by up to a whopping 80%. No other marketing format can boast such a high performance. In the digital world of marketing, video is king.

How much does it cost? This is a common question we get a lot. Almost instinctually we are drawn to that bottom dollar figure. To answer this question directly, it really all depends on what sort of budget you’re working with. No two videos are alike, and every one of our video tools are custom built from the ground up. At Capion, we have worked with budgets on the production side of things as low as $2,500 all the way north of $100k. We’ve been told in the past that our pricing is quite reasonable, especially in direct relation to our client’s return. We can work within your budget, and scale appropriately based on your needs.
When it comes to distribution, this is also happens to be the same scenario. With social media ad buys giving power to the user, you can spend as little as $10 dollars on an ad buy. Alternatively, you can throw tens of thousands at a single ad. It really all depends on what sort of reach you’re looking for, the type of engagement, and click through rate goals you have in mind. No matter how much money you throw at an ad however, does not necessarily dictate it’s success. At Capion, we can make suggestions, and even help you with this process, offering a full turn key service from end to end.

There are so many variables that go into video marketing & ad buys. it’s difficult to exactly forecast what your return on ad spend (ROAS) and overall return on investment (ROI) will be. According to well documented studies however, consumers are 80% more likely to purchase a service or product of interest after watching a video, than those who did not. Marketers by trade reported a 68% better performance with video advertising, then with other popular forms like Google Ad Words. With businesses growing their annual revenue 49% faster than organizations that do not utilize video marketing, it’s no surprise where you should be focusing your budgetary attention.
Some of our partners have seen a wide range of success all the way from 20X - 140X ROAS depending on the cost of the product, or service per capita. Multiplying a dollar spent by 20X times it’s amount, it’s easy to see how incredibly advantageous an investment into video marketing can be.

Our video tools can be purposed for other means beyond just a monetary, or direct conversion. A well crafted video can be used in many ways such as;
Propeling your brand
Increase subscriptions, and engagement
Launching a new IP
Help with your recruitment efforts
Increase brand, or social awareness
Broker business relations
Training and efficiency applications
Encapsulating quarterly, or annual reports
Witness testing
Furthering philanthropic endeavors
Leveraging for grant writing
Local or state committee approval processes
Infrastructure and municipality inspections, or overviews
And much more!
With our video production and marketing services, you can create a library of content that can be used to create a whole host of video tools into the foreseeable future. Unlike copy, photos, or audio that have a short shelf life, video can be repurposed for a number of years to create new marketing content. At Capion, we store the media for up to one (1) year, and that content is renewed in our storage database for every year we continue to work with you.